Contact Tracing Solution
Contact tracing aims to identify and alert people who have come in contact with a person infected with corona virus.
Contact tracing smartphone app can determine quickly and automatically whether. Enter the smartphone, somebody has been in contact with and infected person.
As the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic continues, much of the world is pinning its hopes of easing lockdowns on being able to quickly identify people who might have been exposed to the virus. But such ‘contact tracing’ is generally a laborious, slow process that relies on in-person interviews and detective work. Enter the smart phone: a new breed of app aims to automate the process of retracing a person’s movements to find people they might have infected and possibly notify those people at the earliest possible stage.

How The Contact Tracing App Works

Once installed, app detects and records details of other app users nearby

User develops corona-virus symptoms, enters details in app & book test

App analyses last 28 days of proximity data

Other app users in close contact receive alert telling them to self-isolate for 14 days

User tests result positive, user told to self-isolation for 14 days other users told to continue self-isolation

User tests result negative, everyone receives alert giving all clear

System Components
Contact Tracing Android App
Contact tracing smart phone app will be used to quickly and automatically determine whether somebody has been in contact with an infected person.
Web Admin Panel (cloud-based)
The tracking information will be stored in the Information Management System (IMS), which is called the Central Admin Panel. All information will be updated automatically to the Central Server by the end of each day.
Why Contact Tracing?

Help stop the spread of COVID-19
Help stop the spread of COVID-19 by turning Bluetooth on.

Protect your workers
Protect your workers so you can maintain business operations.

Protect ourselves
If you had close contact with a COVID-19 case, whether or not you know the person, it helps contact tracers call you more quickly.

Protect our loved ones
Being contacted earlier allows us to better protect those around us, reducing the spread of COVID-19.

Protect our community
Contact tracing makes it faster to complete contact tracing on a national level. When more people use it, we will be safer together.
Features & Benefits
Central Admin Panel
The tracking information will be stored in the Information Management System (IMS), which is called the Central Admin Panel. All information will be updated automatically to the Central Server by the end of each day.
Employee Database
Employee basic databases will be stored in the central admin panel (Name, Designation, Dept., Workplace etc.)
Data Security
The central admin panel (IMS) will be hosted in Amazon Web Server (AWS) which is the most reliable secure cloud server in the world. Also, the data connectivity between the app server is confirmed by end-to-end encryption ensuring utmost security.
Filter Option
Can filter the contact tracing information by date range, employee detail(dept., designation etc.) as per convenience.
Optimized Power Consumption by App
As Bluetooth is a power-hungry technology, the app is being designed in such a way that it consumes as low power as possible (using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) which is called Bluetooth 4.0.
Data Privacy
Encrypted common contact tracing database and scalable to incorporate mass level contact tracing.
Exclusive Communication Channel
An exclusive communication channel from central admin panel to all app user in form of different notifications to convey emergency messages.